
Development of Resialentejo’s rebranding. A new image, fresh and dynamic, modern and simple, which conveys confidence and ambition in reducing the amount of waste produced, as well as the spirit of mission in promoting recycling and reuse of materials.
Realiza – II Plano Nacional para a Juventude (PNJ)

The Realiza – II Plano Nacional para a Juventude (PNJ) campaign included the organization, creation of the graphic identity, digital monitoring and communication strategy by WL Partners. The Realiza project wants to promote active, participatory youth who do not resign themselves. A youth that Achieves.
CNN Portugal launch

Tomada de Posse dos Novos Órgãos Sociais da CIP

WL Partners was responsible for producing the Cerimónia de Tomada de Posse dos Novos Órgãos Sociais da CIP, which took place at the Lisbon Congress Center.
Reservas da Biosfera Portuguesas: Territórios Sustentáveis, Comunidades Resilientes

WL Partners was involved in the organization, creation of the graphic identity and digital monitoring of the Final Seminar of the Reservas da Biosfera Portuguesas: Territórios Sustentáveis, Comunidades Resilientes project. The event in the auditorium of the Pavilhão do Conhecimento, in Lisbon, was attended by several national and international entities.